What It Means to Be a Certified Documented Information Professional

The Certified Professional Who Supports Corporate Management in the DX Age

The Certified Documented Information Professional is the person in a business division who handles and provides support in document information (paper-based and electronic), who plans the optimal methods for document and information management, and who can recommend improvement and reform.

The person could also be in a business division responsible for staff operations supporting top management, promoting business and/or DX, and who is able to implement in-house reforms proactively through document information management.
The Japan Image and Information Management Association (JIIMA) offers seminars to those interested in achieving certification as a Documented Information Professional in order to further develop human resources in this area.

Attending the Certification Seminar

In digital transformation (DX), document information control and the management capabilities that underlie these efforts must be reinforced. The Documented Information Professional certification seminar offers a wide range of training, from paper-based document management to electronic document information management. The seminar content focuses on basic issues, important points and methods for implementation. Through this seminar, participants are able to acquire their certification.

Seminar Overview

  • There will be question-and-answer sessions.
  • Discussion among participants also is encouraged.
  • Personalized consultations are available. When seeking personalized advice, please apply in advance.

People Who Should Attend the Seminar

  1. Those in Business Divisions Promoting Operation Reforms Through Digital Transformation (DX)
    For example, someone in a DX promotional division (business reform division), IT division, innovative users division or general document management division.
  2. Those in Other Business Divisions (IT Users, IT, Business Reform, General Document Management, etc.)
    • Wishing to know what people in other divisions and other companies are thinking;
    • Wishing to manage in accordance with the basics of document information management; and/or
    • Wishing to reduce paper documentation and acquire document management know-how due to a transfer of office location, etc.
  3. Individuals
    • Wishing to acquire a basic knowledge of document information management; and/or
    • Wishing to earn their qualification in this field.

Our Intention to Build a Network of Certified Documented Information Professionals

Study Group for Certified Documented Information Professionals

This study group is designed for those who have been certified as a Documented Information Professional. It is part of JIIMA’s efforts to build a network of Certified Documented Information Professionals. Research themes are proposed to the certified professionals via a mailing list, with a follow-up request to participate in the study groups, which are expected to be scheduled about three times a year.

A blog for Certified Documented Information Professionals is also available and is a great venue for discussion and exchange among the group.

Updates and Other Procedures

Normally, updating your certification as a Documented Information Professional will be required every five years. This update schedule was discontinued in 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a Certified Documented Information Specialist and a Certified Documented Information Professional?

The Certified Documented Information Specialist is a certification that chiefly targets manufacturers who are suppliers, vendors and service businesses.
The Certified Documented Information Professional provides certification to those on the user side. It is aimed at developing personnel who are able to examine document information management from a business management perspective, and who are able to plan for the future and possess the expertise to achieve these plans.

Q: Is preparatory study necessary before attending a certification seminar?

There are no special requirements for preparing to attend a seminar. The certification seminar is conducted in the format shown in the study text materials that will be sent to the participant in advance. The participant is to look through the study materials ahead of time and note any points that are important to them. This will help them gain a deeper understanding and encourage them ask questions, thus making the most of their seminar experience.

Q: Is attendance as a group possible?

Please contact JIIMA regarding group attendance.

Q: What is the English name for this certification?

Certified Documented Information Professional