June 10, 2006
Privacy Policy
The Japan Document and Information Management Association (hereinafter referred to as "JIPIMA") considers the protection of personal information of its members and examinees as its most important responsibility. (hereinafter referred to as "the Association") considers the protection of personal information of its members and examinees to be its most important responsibility, and has established the following policy to ensure the thorough protection of such information.
[Personal Information Protection Policy
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Association handles personal information in compliance with laws, regulations, and other norms.
2. collection, use and provision of personal information
(1) Personal information will be collected by legal and fair means.
(2) Personal information will be used and provided within the scope of the purpose of collection.
3. proper management of personal information
We will implement safety measures in our systems and administration to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
[Handling of information
Collection, registration and use
The Association will collect and register your personal information within the following scope. We will not collect or use your personal information from third parties without your consent, except for information disclosed to the general public.
Information from customers who have made inquiries or other transactions with the Association.
Purpose of use
The Association will use your personal information only for the purpose of providing you with information on the Association's business and events.
3. provision
Your personal information will not be provided to any third party except in the following cases
When you have given us permission to provide your personal information to our sponsors at the time of application.
4. correction/deletion
We make every effort to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date. In the event that a customer makes a mistake or requests deletion of information registered with the Association, the Association will take prompt action.